Monday, July 15, 2013

DIY Bedroom Pillow

I made this pillow simply by covering a decoration pillow with new fabric.

1 yard of fabric
1 decoration pillow (I used a typical square pillow)
Button (you can either sew this on, or hot glue it on- I sewed it)
No sew fabric adhesive tape (ex: heat and bond or fabric velcro)

First lay out your fabric (you may want to iron it first to get out any of the folds), and lay your pillow in the center of the fabric square. Next you are going to basically fold it like you were wrapping a present. Fold the top and bottom fabric over the pillow (they may or may not touch depending on the size of your pillow). Then take the side fabric and fold the corners in to create points on either side of the fabric. You will then take one side and fold it over the pillow and this is when you will secure the fabric in place with the adhesive tape. Next you will fold in the second side, over lapping the side you just secured. You will secure this side as well and then add the button to the point of the fabric.

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